Self-Host Wynter

Create your own self-hosted version of Wynter! This guide assumes you have Python3.9 installed on your machine.

  1. Firstly, clone the latest version of Wynter from

  2. Once you have cloned Wynter, you will want to install his dependancies. You can do this by opening a terminal / console window and typing python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt which will install everything needed to run Wynter.

  3. Next, you will want to create a .env file with the following info:

# .env
DBHOST= localhost
DBUSER= user
DBPW= password
DB= database
IMGUSR= imgflipusername
IMGPW= imgflippw

In the DISCORD_TOKEN, you put your bot token, and in the DBHOST, DBPW and DB section you put in your database details. We personally use MariaDB for Wynter.

Import the database tables from the github

4. Finally, to run the bot, you type python3

Enjoy using Wynter!

Last updated